Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sunday...My Friend
I can not remember the last time I went to church...those closest to me know that I am not a church going person but rather someone very open minded on the very idea of religion and God...some might say equally tolerant to all and skeptical to all at the same time...if I had to label my beliefs Gnostic is what I'd call myself.
With all that being said it will not surprise you then that I am not a prayer either...I have never put much faith in it...maybe that's my problem...inability to put faith into things...
However, Today I have found myself praying hard for a miracle...for a friend of mine. For you see a friend of mine is dying...
I met Sunday Ibok at McMurry University back in 2001. We both pledged the same fraternity that Spring...we became quick friends...the same as anyone who ever met Sunday did...for you see Sunday has that rare friendly, easy going, carefree attitude and outlook on things that makes everyone he meets glad to have met him and proud to call him friend. Not long after we became fraternity brothers Sunday transferred to Abilene Christian University and I to Angelo State University and we lost touch...I can not remember the last time I saw him...but I know he had that huge smile on his face and was dressed to the 9's...as was his style...and boy does he have style.
I found Sunday on Facebook one day and reconnected with him there...to my regret now we didn't talk much...but I kept up with him and his life in New York...I always wondered how the hell he ended up in New York and have always been meaning to ask him...but I just never have...I hope I will get the chance to in the future...but it's not looking good...for you see my friend Sunday is dying...Sunday suffered a brain aneurysm the other day and is currently laying in a hospital bed at Baylor Medical Center on life support and brain dead.
Since I learned of this this morning I have went about my day with a heavy heart with thoughts of my friend Sunday...and I have done what I have not done in a long time...that's pray and ask God to help my friend, to bring him back to us healthy and full of life again...to spare him for a little while longer. The world needs him and his kind heart and friendly smile.
I am going to do something else I have not done in a long time...Many of you who will read this do not know Sunday Ibok...but I am asking you to pray for him...he needs them as much as the world needs Sunday in it...please join me and pray for his full recovery.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The Week That Was...Running the Gamut
Starting Point: Friday the 15th
In from work early...off to San Angelo to watch my friend's band play downtown...stay at his house...wake up early drive to San Antonio to visit a friend who was admitted to Brooke Army Medical Center...drive back home the next day. Monday book passage on a bus to San Antonio so I can bring my friends car home and store it for her while she is on leave...my first ever bus trip here in the US. Backed books to read...Plato's Symposium...Monday-Friday I spend with my friend trying to provide some comfort and aid when needed..my knowledge of the area around Brooke's Army Medical Center (namely fast food places, convenient stores and hotels) reaches the level of expert, I get a taste of true government bureaucratic, see wounded military members at every turn, little sleep, up for over 40 hours at one point...I fittingly read The Symposium and ponder its meaning. Friday afternoon my friend is discharged and off on leave to get healthy...I worry and reflect on my week as I drive her car home. Have to pull over to get some sleep in Paint Rock, TX. Arrive home, pick up my fiddle and play it for the first time in a week...it smells good. Rest and Sleep come easy. Saturday I'm picked up by a friend and taken to San Angelo to get my pick up. We bump into an ex-girlfriend at the mall with her husband...not as awkward as it seems like it should have been. I check into the Inn at Sealy Flats downtown and wait for some friends of mine to arrive for a small party I organized a month prior. Few show up but we have fun, good food, drinks, more drinks, and Blues music...I'm left wondering to myself Is the note "Facebook Me" with a name on a napkin the new equivalent of getting a girl's number?...10:30 we are all off to watch my friend's band play in Grape Creek, TX at a biker rally at the only bar in town...there till 12:30ish...off to a bar in San Angelo for a few drinks with a high school friend...we run into people we know...its a small world. 2am back to the Inn, we talk of the past, the future, growning anxiety and I'm advised on how to deal with a few of the curve balls life has thrown at me lately. Bed at 5am. Wake up at 11:30am...1 hour later...Home again. "Color my life with the chaos of trouble" has gained meaning to me
In from work early...off to San Angelo to watch my friend's band play downtown...stay at his house...wake up early drive to San Antonio to visit a friend who was admitted to Brooke Army Medical Center...drive back home the next day. Monday book passage on a bus to San Antonio so I can bring my friends car home and store it for her while she is on leave...my first ever bus trip here in the US. Backed books to read...Plato's Symposium...Monday-Friday I spend with my friend trying to provide some comfort and aid when needed..my knowledge of the area around Brooke's Army Medical Center (namely fast food places, convenient stores and hotels) reaches the level of expert, I get a taste of true government bureaucratic, see wounded military members at every turn, little sleep, up for over 40 hours at one point...I fittingly read The Symposium and ponder its meaning. Friday afternoon my friend is discharged and off on leave to get healthy...I worry and reflect on my week as I drive her car home. Have to pull over to get some sleep in Paint Rock, TX. Arrive home, pick up my fiddle and play it for the first time in a week...it smells good. Rest and Sleep come easy. Saturday I'm picked up by a friend and taken to San Angelo to get my pick up. We bump into an ex-girlfriend at the mall with her husband...not as awkward as it seems like it should have been. I check into the Inn at Sealy Flats downtown and wait for some friends of mine to arrive for a small party I organized a month prior. Few show up but we have fun, good food, drinks, more drinks, and Blues music...I'm left wondering to myself Is the note "Facebook Me" with a name on a napkin the new equivalent of getting a girl's number?...10:30 we are all off to watch my friend's band play in Grape Creek, TX at a biker rally at the only bar in town...there till 12:30ish...off to a bar in San Angelo for a few drinks with a high school friend...we run into people we know...its a small world. 2am back to the Inn, we talk of the past, the future, growning anxiety and I'm advised on how to deal with a few of the curve balls life has thrown at me lately. Bed at 5am. Wake up at 11:30am...1 hour later...Home again. "Color my life with the chaos of trouble" has gained meaning to me
Monday, July 4, 2011
Chafed Nipples
Chafed Nipples...I hate them! Worst than a strained ankle or a sore muscle...because with those the pain will go away with a natural adrenaline rush or medication...not so with chafed nipples...
Anyone wondering what the hell I am talking about probably hasn't done a whole lot of long distance running. Chafed Nipples, also called Jogger's Nipple, is caused by your nipple rubbing against your sweaty shirt (or clothing material) while you are working out...in most cases jogging or running longer distances. IT IS ANNOYING AS HELL!!!
Well what got me on this subject is I have been working at trying to get back in to good shape. Watching what I eat and drink, and doing various workouts at night and running longer distances (3-7 miles) several times a week. I have thought about training for a half marathon lately (thanks in part to seeing my friend Craig running 17-20 mile runs and pushing the competitiveness in me up a little...thinking if he can do that I can too). A good training tool is a runners journal or a runners blog to help keep track of what you are running and monitor your training easier...so I have decided to keep one...and I am naming it after the most irritating part about running for me and the one injury that no one really talks about...so if anyone is bored out of their skulls or is thinking about running and is curious to see what I do on a day to day basis feel free to check out my runners blog...Chafed Nipples
Anyone wondering what the hell I am talking about probably hasn't done a whole lot of long distance running. Chafed Nipples, also called Jogger's Nipple, is caused by your nipple rubbing against your sweaty shirt (or clothing material) while you are working out...in most cases jogging or running longer distances. IT IS ANNOYING AS HELL!!!
Well what got me on this subject is I have been working at trying to get back in to good shape. Watching what I eat and drink, and doing various workouts at night and running longer distances (3-7 miles) several times a week. I have thought about training for a half marathon lately (thanks in part to seeing my friend Craig running 17-20 mile runs and pushing the competitiveness in me up a little...thinking if he can do that I can too). A good training tool is a runners journal or a runners blog to help keep track of what you are running and monitor your training easier...so I have decided to keep one...and I am naming it after the most irritating part about running for me and the one injury that no one really talks about...so if anyone is bored out of their skulls or is thinking about running and is curious to see what I do on a day to day basis feel free to check out my runners blog...Chafed Nipples
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This is from my HS days |
Saturday, June 25, 2011
The REAL Villain of a Hero.... Hepatitis C
Summer is Upon Us! And that means Comic Book/Superhero based blockbuster movies! The Green Lantern is headlining the genre this year...well here is something for you to think about while you watch all that action, destruction and carnage that enevitably occurs in all movies of that genre...
Think about it...all those night out fighting crime, punching evil doers in the face, rescuing people from burning buildings and cars crashes...Batman, Superman, Spider Man and the like...forget about The Joker, Lex Luger, The Green Goblin and the like, the REAL villain to any hero goes unseen in all that blood from kicking ass and saving innocent shell-shocked by-standards...I'm talking about Hepatitis C and other very bad blood transferred diseases!
I would like to start this next part out by saying that I in no way shape or form consider myself a hero...I simple regard my actions in the following story that I am about to relate to you as standard and what anyone would/should do in the same situation...
Driving home late, late one night (it would really be considered early morning) at about 4am heading down HWY 277 from Abilene to Blackwell, I noticed something strange in the road up ahead of me. My headlights caught the reflection of something blue in the middle of the road...my thought was "what the hell could be blue in the middle of the road?" So my attention was drawn to attention as I approached the mysterious blue object. Slowing my speed down as I drew closer, I noticed that it was a person, a man, wearing a blue reflector belt (military issued). A quick glance at the road with only the light from my headlights to make visible the scene, as it was a cloudy, moonless night, revealed that there was also a woman lying in the middle of the road...bleeding.
I stopped.
The man ran to my window and in a breathless voice tried to tell me what had happened: The couple had wrecked over 2 hours before my arrival; the driver had fallen asleep at the wheel and flipped the car into and beyond the bar ditch...and I was the only person who stopped to help (several cars passed them by). I called 911, reported the accident, and rendered what little aid I could to the young lady who was bleeding in the middle of the road. Her foot was mangled pretty bad, obviously broken in multiple places, swollen to 4 times it's size and bleeding all over. Her companion (who was seemingly uninjured) and I put her in my truck, I wrapped her foot in what I had...paper towels...elevated it by sticking it out the driver-side window as she sat slightly reclined inside the truck on the passenger side (her right foot was the one torn up). I covered her in a sleeping bag I happened to have to help prevent her from going into shock.
Well the ambulance came and rushed them both off to San Angelo...turns out the driver was fine, just some scratches...the young lady had a fractured back to go along with her mangled foot. I checked up on them both the next day, and visited the lady in the hospital giving her a card with my number in case she needed anything from me as far as a statement for her insurance or anything like that....well....
Not long after that she called to thank me and we became friends, talking every so often on the phone or via a text message here and there...
One Day...we are talking and she informs me that I should get tested for Hepatitis C...for you see on that fateful moonless night on the side of the road while I rendering aid to her mangled foot I happened to have an open cut on my hand and in the heat of the moment I did not even think about the possibility of contracting some blood-to-blood disease as I handled her bloody foot...I was just trying to help someone in need...
Turns out I am in the clear! But none the less this scary scenario regarding this incident got me to thinking about all those Superheros and all the diseases they my have caught from just helping people in need...
Beware Out There! The TRUE villain to any type of hero (or the simple good samaritan) may really be the microscopic kind! Kryptonite my ass!
On a little lighter side...the incident reminded me of how short life can be...so not long after I happened upon that wreck I decided to do something I have always wanted to do but never got around to...learning how to play the fiddle! I am have had 1 lesson a week for 3 months now and love it!!!
Morals to be learned here: 1. Don't be afraid to help someone in need, just remember to protect yourself! 2. Life is short, do what you want to do today because there may not be a tomorrow.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Dave Campbell's Magazine & Meeting Famous People
This blog is just to get back into the routine of writing really...Part of the reason I have not been writing here is because I was busy writing a magazine...writing about six-man football for Dave Campbell's Texas Football Magazine...my first true writing job (all thanks be to Granger Huntress the six-man guru for recommending me). The magazine is due out June 15th I believe...I can't wait to see how many things I screwed up...hopefully its a gig I can keep!
Famous Person Encounter #1: Monday I took in a Texas Ranger's game. Sat first row in the Commissioners box on the 3rd base side with my friend David, who was high school friends with Detroit Tigers' Center Fielder Austin Jackson. We talked to AJ briefly before the game, and could have interfered with a foul ball pop up that Ranger's 3rd baseman Adrian Beltre caught...but we learned the Bartmen lesson and let him catch it...goes without saying they were great seats! Too Bad the Rangers got killed. (Also had a brief encounter with Tiger's 3rd basemen Don Kelly who came over to our seats to sign a guys baseball...which Kelly bitched about doing)
Famous Person Encounter #2: For Game 4 of the NBA Finals a group of 4 of us went out to Hooter's to watch the game and eat some wings...I watched the Ranger's game on the only TV in the place that was not showing the Mav's game...and numerous people bitched about that TV not showing the Mav's game...my thought on that "hey ass-hole, turn your head to the right slightly instead of to the left". Well at half time we all decided to go to a little bar/lounge in downtown Denton to watch the rest of the game. The Hickory Street Lounge I believe it is called. Probably less than 10 people in the place...it was a nice little hole in the wall establishment...and owned by a man from Strawn, Tx which is a big PLUS in my book! Well one of the other people bellied up to the bar...heavy emphasis on the BELLY part of that...Chris Burny from the band Bowling for Soup. We visited a little with him after the game...talked about Freddie Mercury of all things.
Famous Person Encounter #1: Monday I took in a Texas Ranger's game. Sat first row in the Commissioners box on the 3rd base side with my friend David, who was high school friends with Detroit Tigers' Center Fielder Austin Jackson. We talked to AJ briefly before the game, and could have interfered with a foul ball pop up that Ranger's 3rd baseman Adrian Beltre caught...but we learned the Bartmen lesson and let him catch it...goes without saying they were great seats! Too Bad the Rangers got killed. (Also had a brief encounter with Tiger's 3rd basemen Don Kelly who came over to our seats to sign a guys baseball...which Kelly bitched about doing)
Famous Person Encounter #2: For Game 4 of the NBA Finals a group of 4 of us went out to Hooter's to watch the game and eat some wings...I watched the Ranger's game on the only TV in the place that was not showing the Mav's game...and numerous people bitched about that TV not showing the Mav's game...my thought on that "hey ass-hole, turn your head to the right slightly instead of to the left". Well at half time we all decided to go to a little bar/lounge in downtown Denton to watch the rest of the game. The Hickory Street Lounge I believe it is called. Probably less than 10 people in the place...it was a nice little hole in the wall establishment...and owned by a man from Strawn, Tx which is a big PLUS in my book! Well one of the other people bellied up to the bar...heavy emphasis on the BELLY part of that...Chris Burny from the band Bowling for Soup. We visited a little with him after the game...talked about Freddie Mercury of all things.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
What if…The World Real Did End Today?
Sure people have been predicting the end of the world for 1000s of years, and no one has got it right. Each time when the predicted time draws near the reaction by the majority of the population is the same: disbelief, doubt, mocking humor and completely warranted skepticism…after all everyone who has ever made that prediction has been wrong. But deep down, and I mean deep deep, down in all of us isn’t there a little bit of fear…fear of the unknown and of the answer to the question we all secretly ask ourselves “what if it’s true?”
And pretend for a moment that it wasn't just the ramblings of some crack pot, Bible thumbing, crazy, attention seeking preacher…and it was true…that the world was going to end. Now ask yourself what would you do. Some undoubtedly would pray, while others lived it up in unprecedented fashion. Others would just go about the same routine as they always would, their lives unchanged. But most people…most would go out and spend their last moments with the ones they loved, with their mothers and fathers, their daughters and sons…their husbands and wives…their friends. People would live their last day doing what they loved and being surrounded by the ones they loved…because in the end they would realize nothing else matters.
Now as I sit here and think about the answer to the rhetorical question “what if the world was coming to an end”...in finding the answer I am left with, and will leave you with, another question: “Why don’t we live each day like the world was ending?”
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Yes, What You're Eating is Made of Blood - Reflecting on My Trip to Ireland
Inishtooskert - An island off the West Coast of Ireland - also known as "The Dead Man" |
Well this week a some friends of mine will be headed for the Emerald Isle for a vacation...so I thought that I'd share a few things with that I took note of during my trek around the country...
- Irish breakfasts are amazing! The "pudding" isn't pudding, it's a type of sausage...and the black pudding...it's black because its main ingredient is pig's blood...one word...DELICIOUS!
- Everywhere you want to go...is "just a 15 minute walk" from where you are...no matter what!
- People in Ireland are very friendly!
- People in Ireland are not as fat as people in the US!
- The best music, traditional Irish music known as "trad", is played in the County Clare...namely in the town of Doolin (trad sessions usually break out in the pubs after 9:30pm I believe).
- When a pub closes...that doesn't really mean they are closed...they will usually serve people long after "closing time"...hell I stayed in a pub in Dingle till 7:30am the next morning drinking!
- A biscuit isn't a biscuit in Ireland, it's a cookie...there is no such thing as what we call a biscuit.
- The small plastic bags, like the ones you get when you check out at Wal-Mart, will cost you 10-20cents to get in Ireland...this is to cut down on pollution...can you imagine Wal-Mart charging that per bag here!
- You can't smoke in bars (this has also taken off here in West Texas since my visit to Ireland), however you can smoke outside them...and take your drink out on the street as well.
- Dogs are allowed in Pubs...even in the kitchens of ones that serve food.
- Dogs are very well trained. People tend to walk their dogs without a leash...but they do crap on the sidewalk a lot...the dogs not the people.
- Some of the brands of products that are popular here in the US aren't as popular in Ireland, or can be found at all, and the products that can be found there usually have different packaging and advertising. Tay-To chips are the popular brand of chips, and the most popular flavor of Doritos in Ireland is "Chilli" style...not "Nacho Cheese" like in the US.
- What constitutes "spicy" in Ireland IS NOT SPICY AT ALL! The same goes for "mexican food" (I ate at a "Tex-Mex" place in Galway and the "burrito" cost 30euros and was not good). If they say something is "spicy" they mean it has an Indian kind of curry spice or flavor to it...or it is a kind of chilli flavor...hot/spicy = mild...at best.
- Soccer is really the only sport on TV (or at least when I was there). Sometimes there are rugby games or Irish/Gaelic games like hurling.
- I use to think the wind blew hard in West Texas...not true...the wind blows really hard in Ireland! Be careful standing on a cliff on the coast you can get blown off!
- There are a lot of people from all over Europe touring Ireland...I encountered a lot of German, Italian and French tourists everywhere I went.
- A lot of Eastern Europeans work in Ireland...mainly Polish people. It reminded me of how a lot of Hispanics work in the US.
- Coke is a big soft drink brand (7up too)...GOOD LUCK finding Dr. Pepper...but some places do have it.
- Soft drinks in pubs are all in 8oz. glass bottles.
- Ireland sells beer in packs of 10...not 12.
- McDonald's food taste just the same in Ireland as it does in the US, but the menu is a little different...they have a 9 piece Chicken McNugget not a 10 piece...and there are a lot less options for dipping sauce...no buffalo sauce.
- I don't thin Buffalo Sauce exists in Ireland.
- Cadbury is the main candy brand/company in Ireland.
- TV commercials in Ireland are more graphic. Anti-speeding, Littering ads for example...and Ads often have stronger sexual overtones to them than what we have in the US.
- There seems to be less restrictions for TV and Radio in Ireland...unlike what our FCC enforces here in the US.
- "Central heating" in Ireland isn't what we call central heating. In Ireland they have space heaters in every room of the house that are all connected...that's central heating...but the bedding/blankets are MUCH WARMER in Ireland.
- I didn't see a lot of pick up trucks in Ireland, NO Chevy's and very few Fords. The trucks they do have are small and Japaneses brands.
- Roads in Ireland are EXTREMELY NARROW compared to roads here...they have no bar-ditch and each side of the road is lined with stone walls...and to that point...
- When you are riding on a bus and your bus meets another bus...YOU WILL THINK THAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO DIE...but you won't.
- When crossing the street/road you better look right FIRST...remember traffic is on the opposite side of the road from what we are use too.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Freddie Mercury is Alive & Well Tending Bar in Florida
It's hard to believe I know. History tells us that Freddie Mercury, the lead singer for the rock band Queen, die an AIDs related death in 1991. Up until my trip to Florida and a Saturday night spent at McGuire's Irish Pub in Pensacola I had no reason to doubt this version of history. However, after I left the bar that night I knew Freddie Mercury, much like Elvis, is not dead! He is alive and well and tending bar in Florida...
We left the apartment and headed for the famed McGuire's Irish Pub for a night of celebration and debauchery. Craig still dressed in his navy blues and Danae still sporting her wedding dress.
We arrived and walked in...two words...Fire Hazard...my initial thought regarding this famous bar/eatery was "The owner must be in good with the fire chief and police department" because people were crammed in there like cords of wood waiting to be seated...including of our wedding party of 20. The walls and ceiling of the pub were lined with dollar bills, they claim over a million of them, if the people were the wood then this was no doubt the kenneling. Maneuvering around the place I was able to find a waitress and order a round of drinks for David, Craig, Danae and myself...which I told the waitress David was paying for...a classic move that worked! Danae had some girlie mixed drink while us guys braved the froth and the foam of McGuire's own brand of Irish Stout...DELICIOUS! I stuck with it all night!
Amazingly enough we were sat relatively fast. Our waiter bore a striking resemblance to Willow Ufgood (* a note here...some of you may notice that I make references to some out of date or seemingly obscure things...if you find yourself asking "Who is Willow Ufgood" or "Who is Freddie Mercury"...it's called Google). Some of the highlights on the menu included a $100 hamburger called the Grand Burger as well as a thing called a Garbage Burger that was said to include everything that was in the kitchen on it. I went with steak and more of the stout...we all ate and drank and were having a great time...including the new bride Danae...you see Danae had always been our DD when we went out and this was one of the rare times she was able to let loose and actually join in the drinking with us.
We all finished eating and took our party to the bar area...
Danae had been drinking all night with no problem despite leaving her ID at home...after all who's going to refuse a newly wed in her wedding dress...I'll tell you who...the bar tender in the other part of the pub...who bore a striking resemblance to a mustachioed Freddie Mercury...that's who!
Craig and Danae bellied up to the bar and someone had ordered them shots, the bar tender, upon learning Danae did not have an ID told her she couldn't drink the shot or sit at the bar...which would have been fine with everyone except Ol' Freddie decided to make a big scene out of it...talking in an overly loud flamboyant voice and waving his arms around demanding she leave the bar. Well her shot sat there untouched...after some time had past and after carefully studying the bar tender and his movements I picked up the shot while he wasn't looking and took it over to Danae, seemingly out of sight, and she drank it. No sooner than that shot of whiskey had passed her gums who do you think was jumping down her throat yelling and raising all sorts of hell...Freddie Mercury...how in the hell he saw us is beyond me...but there he stood right between us yelling in Danae's face and threating to throw us all out of the place...making a HUGE scene out of it. A manager had to come over and send him back to the bar and talked with Danae a while...she was pretty cool about it...but I sure wasn't! The gall of that guy! There were 100 better ways to handle the situation.
A few of us were standing close by the bar talking about the whole ordeal, not being loud about it but talking about it with a few choice words and opinions about Freddie just the same...well he could sense we were talking about him and he turned around from his cash registrar behind the bar yelling at us and saying "I can hear everything you've been saying about me..." going into another tirade and being a HUGE drama QUEEN about it. I was about to unleash on this guy but Craig, who is a very rational type of person, jumped in, cutting me off before I got started, and calmly talked to Freddie and told him we wouldn't bother him anymore.
Fearing we were about to get thrown out and possibly arrested because of drama Queen Freddie Mercury...we tabbed out (left zero tip of course), called a taxi and called it a night...at about 11pm...we are shells of our former drinking selves!
Back at the apartment, still steaming from what had happened at the bar, I cracked open a can of snuff I had bought as a joke on our drive down. You see David challenged me to take a pinch...given the state of mind I was in I was not going to be challenged and back down from it...so I took a small pinch and tucked it into my lip...I had never dipped before...and never will again! The very nice buzz I had going from drinking turned into the dizzy staggers in a matter of minutes...I SERIOUSLY COULD NOT WALK! Soon after I threw up...which left me asking "How in the hell can people play baseball while doing this stuff"!
Another late night phone call from the hospital girl prevented sleep for an hour or so...not sure if I'm an advocate for late night phone calls when one has been drinking heavily but I digress...
Sunday morning came and David and I got in the car and headed back to Texas around 8am...12 hours later we were back at David's house...our journey to Florida over...
Friday, April 15, 2011
They Got Married in a Hurricane...
Picking up where I left off:
David and I spent Saturday morning and part of the afternoon sitting around Danae's apartment. Craig had left early with plans on buying a new car...scratch that...a new toy car...and he did, when he returned from the dealership and credit union he had come back to the apartment in a yellow and black Mini Cooper. Yes the lean 6'3 sailor Craig had went out and bought a Mini Cooper. Upon his return the bulky 6'1 David and I (average sized 5'8) were given a tour of the Pensacola area chauffeured around in this wind up toy of a car. David squeezed in up front and I climbed in the rear glove box also called the back seat...I had to lay down because both David and Craig had to move their seats all the way back to fit in this clown car...but Craig was happy with it and no matter how bad the verbal attacks on his man hood were (and will be) he was content with his purchase and after all it was his wedding day (take 2).
We at a late lunch at Flownder's, 18cent clam chowder that was very good! A quick walk on the beach and then back to the apartment to get ready for the wedding...I considered dressing up in a tails tux with a top hat that I brought, but this being 2011 and not 1911 I passed on that...I looked like a turn of the century New York City horse drawn buggy driver.
The weather was getting bad...Mobile, AL was in a tornado warning...by 5pm, the time of the wedding, the wind was blowing hard and it was drizzling rain on and off. This would mark my 18th wedding, the 14th of which I would play some part in...what that part was I had no idea...things like this happen when there is less than 72 hours of planning involved. As it turned out David and I (the only 2 from Texas who made the trip) were grooms men, ring bearers, and photographers. As soon as the ceremony started a monsoon hit. Standing out in the elements made for some great pictures and the fastest ceremony I have ever seen in my career as a wedding attender. So fast in fact that the wedding party, made up of the Bride, Groom, David, myself, about 20 sailors dressed in their navy dress blues, and about 6 bystanders, had to run to the covered porch of the lighthouse near by and do it all over again to make sure it was legally done right (no one could hear the woman presiding over the wedding because of the hurricane force winds). There a calmer and dryer redo was completed on the side of the lighthouse. Everyone crammed in together like rain soaked sardines. Now it was all official! May I present to you Mr. & Mrs. Craig Lay (in the rain)!
We all went back to the apartment changed and went out to McGuire's Irish Pub for the reception dinner and drinks celebrating this new union...this is where we encountered Freddie Mercury!
David and I spent Saturday morning and part of the afternoon sitting around Danae's apartment. Craig had left early with plans on buying a new car...scratch that...a new toy car...and he did, when he returned from the dealership and credit union he had come back to the apartment in a yellow and black Mini Cooper. Yes the lean 6'3 sailor Craig had went out and bought a Mini Cooper. Upon his return the bulky 6'1 David and I (average sized 5'8) were given a tour of the Pensacola area chauffeured around in this wind up toy of a car. David squeezed in up front and I climbed in the rear glove box also called the back seat...I had to lay down because both David and Craig had to move their seats all the way back to fit in this clown car...but Craig was happy with it and no matter how bad the verbal attacks on his man hood were (and will be) he was content with his purchase and after all it was his wedding day (take 2).
We at a late lunch at Flownder's, 18cent clam chowder that was very good! A quick walk on the beach and then back to the apartment to get ready for the wedding...I considered dressing up in a tails tux with a top hat that I brought, but this being 2011 and not 1911 I passed on that...I looked like a turn of the century New York City horse drawn buggy driver.
The weather was getting bad...Mobile, AL was in a tornado warning...by 5pm, the time of the wedding, the wind was blowing hard and it was drizzling rain on and off. This would mark my 18th wedding, the 14th of which I would play some part in...what that part was I had no idea...things like this happen when there is less than 72 hours of planning involved. As it turned out David and I (the only 2 from Texas who made the trip) were grooms men, ring bearers, and photographers. As soon as the ceremony started a monsoon hit. Standing out in the elements made for some great pictures and the fastest ceremony I have ever seen in my career as a wedding attender. So fast in fact that the wedding party, made up of the Bride, Groom, David, myself, about 20 sailors dressed in their navy dress blues, and about 6 bystanders, had to run to the covered porch of the lighthouse near by and do it all over again to make sure it was legally done right (no one could hear the woman presiding over the wedding because of the hurricane force winds). There a calmer and dryer redo was completed on the side of the lighthouse. Everyone crammed in together like rain soaked sardines. Now it was all official! May I present to you Mr. & Mrs. Craig Lay (in the rain)!
We all went back to the apartment changed and went out to McGuire's Irish Pub for the reception dinner and drinks celebrating this new union...this is where we encountered Freddie Mercury!
Friday, April 8, 2011
The Worst Karaoke in the World
Craziest Week Part 2:
Ok...picking up where I left off...
I arrived at David's right at midnight. The 4 hour drive which I was in dread of for fear of becoming bored and falling sleep at the wheel, was actually not that bad and with the help of a surprising phone call which lasted the final hour plus of the drive, it went by relatively fast (the phone call was from a girl in the hospital from a car wreck which I had helped on the side of the road one night a week before...more on this story later). David was asleep on the couch and their newborn, awake and crying, was being tended to by David's mother...who I was a little shocked to see there. I took up residence on the other couch and tried to get some sleep...tried...between the baby crying and hospital girl phone call part 2, which would provide David with excellent fodder on our long road trip, I think I got a few hours of sleep in.
Friday, March 4th, 2011:
Woke up, took a quick shower, and was ready to go. We left out just a little before 8am, a later start than we had hoped for. David took the first shift at driving seeing how he got more sleep than me and I hate driving in the Metromess.
11:22am - We cross over into Louisiana, my first time in the state. We contemplate whether we have enough time to make a detour down to Mardi Gras in New Orleans...knowing full well we didn't.
12:26pm - We stop in Arcadia, LA to grab a quick lunch at McDonald's and switch out driving duties.
The rest of the drive to Pensacola went like this:
2:50-Jackson, MS...cross one more state capital off the list; switch driving somewhere between Jackson & when we cross the border into Alabama at 5:47 (my first trip to Alabama)
6:25-We get lost in Mobile in the dark trying to find the Bay Bears minor league baseball stadium, the Garmin lady is to take most of the blame.
7:30-Cross into Florida...another first
8:01-Meet up with Craig and Danae...thank God! At this point the 12 hour back and forth insult laden drive, which was all in good humor, was beginning to take its toll on me...again my long phone calls with a girl in the hospital provided a lot of the material.
Craig & Danae drive us on base to see the spot where they will be getting married the next day...right by the beach...I was impressed by how clean the sand was...not like the trashy shell and rock littered beach in Corpus. Florida 1 Texas 0. Then they take us to a sports bar to grab a bite to eat while we all catch up over a few adult beverages. We all had traditional bar fare, wings and beer, and all was going well...until the first karaoke singed took the stage. Once we heard what we were in for we all downed our beers like we were suddenly back in college, finishing off what we had and our fresh pitcher just delivered to our table, paid and left that place as the 2nd singer was in the middle of his song...think about that...that all took place in less than 5 minutes! If you are a fan of bad karaoke then look no further than Brew Brothers bar in Pensacola, FL on a Friday night!
We left and went back to Danae's apartment to for the night...the wedding, a close call with the Pensacola police, and my wondering how the hell baseball players can dip snuff and be functional enough to play a baseball game at the same time...where all to come on Saturday. Part 3 of this crazy story: Freddie Mercury is Alive and Well....in a few days...
Ok...picking up where I left off...
I arrived at David's right at midnight. The 4 hour drive which I was in dread of for fear of becoming bored and falling sleep at the wheel, was actually not that bad and with the help of a surprising phone call which lasted the final hour plus of the drive, it went by relatively fast (the phone call was from a girl in the hospital from a car wreck which I had helped on the side of the road one night a week before...more on this story later). David was asleep on the couch and their newborn, awake and crying, was being tended to by David's mother...who I was a little shocked to see there. I took up residence on the other couch and tried to get some sleep...tried...between the baby crying and hospital girl phone call part 2, which would provide David with excellent fodder on our long road trip, I think I got a few hours of sleep in.
Friday, March 4th, 2011:
Woke up, took a quick shower, and was ready to go. We left out just a little before 8am, a later start than we had hoped for. David took the first shift at driving seeing how he got more sleep than me and I hate driving in the Metromess.
11:22am - We cross over into Louisiana, my first time in the state. We contemplate whether we have enough time to make a detour down to Mardi Gras in New Orleans...knowing full well we didn't.
12:26pm - We stop in Arcadia, LA to grab a quick lunch at McDonald's and switch out driving duties.
The rest of the drive to Pensacola went like this:
2:50-Jackson, MS...cross one more state capital off the list; switch driving somewhere between Jackson & when we cross the border into Alabama at 5:47 (my first trip to Alabama)
6:25-We get lost in Mobile in the dark trying to find the Bay Bears minor league baseball stadium, the Garmin lady is to take most of the blame.
7:30-Cross into Florida...another first
8:01-Meet up with Craig and Danae...thank God! At this point the 12 hour back and forth insult laden drive, which was all in good humor, was beginning to take its toll on me...again my long phone calls with a girl in the hospital provided a lot of the material.
Craig & Danae drive us on base to see the spot where they will be getting married the next day...right by the beach...I was impressed by how clean the sand was...not like the trashy shell and rock littered beach in Corpus. Florida 1 Texas 0. Then they take us to a sports bar to grab a bite to eat while we all catch up over a few adult beverages. We all had traditional bar fare, wings and beer, and all was going well...until the first karaoke singed took the stage. Once we heard what we were in for we all downed our beers like we were suddenly back in college, finishing off what we had and our fresh pitcher just delivered to our table, paid and left that place as the 2nd singer was in the middle of his song...think about that...that all took place in less than 5 minutes! If you are a fan of bad karaoke then look no further than Brew Brothers bar in Pensacola, FL on a Friday night!
We left and went back to Danae's apartment to for the night...the wedding, a close call with the Pensacola police, and my wondering how the hell baseball players can dip snuff and be functional enough to play a baseball game at the same time...where all to come on Saturday. Part 3 of this crazy story: Freddie Mercury is Alive and Well....in a few days...
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
My Name is Leman...And I am a Bad Kisser
*A Brief Intelude to My Florida Story*(tune in this weekend to hear how we were almost kicked out of a Pensacola bar)
Yes...My Name is Leman and I am a bad kisser. I have gone my whole life without realizing this...that is until this morning. My latest venture into the world of relationships was a brief tryst to say the least, ending as quickly as it begin. Needless to say these type of things tend to leave one with questions that usually go unanswered, such as the proverbial question "What happened?" or "What went wrong?", ah but luckily for me...this time that was not the case!
Turns out that I am a bad kisser and that is what put the whole kibosh on our relationship! Ya it was hard for me to believe too...what with my excellent track record and zero complaints in this department before. So when this bomb was dropped on me this morning, via text message of course, I ran the predictable gamet of emotional responses:
Denial: I thought to myself "That's not true. This girl is just upset with herself for cheating on her fiancée with me and is trying to deflect her own feelings of remorse by lying to me to try to tear me down and make herself feel better...after all what does a 19 year old know anyway!" Followed by the classic childish response "I'm not a bad kisser YOU are!"
Anger: This came hand in hand with, and may have arrived just a little before, Denial. Sure she was just trying to be honest and had only the best intentions in mind by telling me this...she was just trying to be a good friend. But after all it was an insult. How DARE she tell me this! What good did it do? She had to have said it only to try to hurt me...this made me Angry.
Rationalizing: I let Anger simmer a bit and then began to think "Ok...maybe she is right...maybe this one time I was not at the top of my game. Ya that's it! I was just off! After all I was nervous because I was really into her and the added pressure on me do to the fact that she was engaged to be married within a month must have effected me in a negative way. It was a one time thing."
Depression: Soon after trying to rationalize it I realized I was trying to fool myself...she was right...why would she lie to me about something like that..."Welcome To The Party Depression!"
Finally...Acceptance: After a short stay Depression left the party and I was able to come to terms with myself...and like all 12 step roads to recovery or improvement, to gain acceptance you must first admit the problem to yourself...
But do not worry my friends! I will beat this thing and overcome my problem! Practice makes perfect as they say and the silver lining is that because of this I plan on honing my kissing skills at every opportunity in hopes of bettering myself as a person. After all what do I have to lose! The only way to go from here is up right?
"My name is Leman and I'm a bad kisser."
Yes...My Name is Leman and I am a bad kisser. I have gone my whole life without realizing this...that is until this morning. My latest venture into the world of relationships was a brief tryst to say the least, ending as quickly as it begin. Needless to say these type of things tend to leave one with questions that usually go unanswered, such as the proverbial question "What happened?" or "What went wrong?", ah but luckily for me...this time that was not the case!
Turns out that I am a bad kisser and that is what put the whole kibosh on our relationship! Ya it was hard for me to believe too...what with my excellent track record and zero complaints in this department before. So when this bomb was dropped on me this morning, via text message of course, I ran the predictable gamet of emotional responses:
Denial: I thought to myself "That's not true. This girl is just upset with herself for cheating on her fiancée with me and is trying to deflect her own feelings of remorse by lying to me to try to tear me down and make herself feel better...after all what does a 19 year old know anyway!" Followed by the classic childish response "I'm not a bad kisser YOU are!"
Anger: This came hand in hand with, and may have arrived just a little before, Denial. Sure she was just trying to be honest and had only the best intentions in mind by telling me this...she was just trying to be a good friend. But after all it was an insult. How DARE she tell me this! What good did it do? She had to have said it only to try to hurt me...this made me Angry.
Rationalizing: I let Anger simmer a bit and then began to think "Ok...maybe she is right...maybe this one time I was not at the top of my game. Ya that's it! I was just off! After all I was nervous because I was really into her and the added pressure on me do to the fact that she was engaged to be married within a month must have effected me in a negative way. It was a one time thing."
Depression: Soon after trying to rationalize it I realized I was trying to fool myself...she was right...why would she lie to me about something like that..."Welcome To The Party Depression!"
Finally...Acceptance: After a short stay Depression left the party and I was able to come to terms with myself...and like all 12 step roads to recovery or improvement, to gain acceptance you must first admit the problem to yourself...
But do not worry my friends! I will beat this thing and overcome my problem! Practice makes perfect as they say and the silver lining is that because of this I plan on honing my kissing skills at every opportunity in hopes of bettering myself as a person. After all what do I have to lose! The only way to go from here is up right?
"My name is Leman and I'm a bad kisser."
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Craziest Week of My Life - Part 1
The obvious first question people will ask when you start a blog will be something like: "What's the name of it?" followed by "Why did you name it that?"...well in an effort to answer these questions and ones like them, allow me to tell you about one the craziest weeks of my life:
Thursday, March 3rd, 2011:
6:30pm - I get home from working a 10 hour day
6:43pm - Missed call from Craig, one of my best friends in the Navy living in Pensacola, Florida, followed immediately by a text. Via texting back and forth I learn that Craig is getting married on Saturday and he wants me to be there.
6:45pm - I'm thinking I would love to go but just can't...it's to crazy and not enough notice
6:49pm - David, Craig's brother who also shares the rank of best friend (we all lived together in college), calls me...asks me if I want to go to Florida this weekend...my mindset immediately changes and I know that David and I MUST make the trip...you see we talked about making a crazy road trip one night in college and never did it...leaving in the middle of the night to drive 280 miles for a hamburger...it was a decision all involved regretted not making and still do!
6:55pm - I begin getting ready to leave, call to explain that I can't work for a few days...very relaxed working environmental and boss...and begin to pack while I wait for confirmation from David that he can make the trip...he had to clear it with his job and more importantly his wife, who he would have to leave at home to care for their 2 month old newborn son and 5 year old.
7:56pm - Receive confirmation from David that he has gained the proper permission to go to Florida for the weekend (Thanks Vanessa!)
8:00pm - I get in my truck and begin my 4hr journey to David's house in Justin, Tx.
My journey had just begun...and you can begin to see the meaning behind the name of this blog and what life is like living inside a whirlwind...
Part 2 to follow soon...
Thursday, March 3rd, 2011:
6:30pm - I get home from working a 10 hour day
6:43pm - Missed call from Craig, one of my best friends in the Navy living in Pensacola, Florida, followed immediately by a text. Via texting back and forth I learn that Craig is getting married on Saturday and he wants me to be there.
6:45pm - I'm thinking I would love to go but just can't...it's to crazy and not enough notice
6:49pm - David, Craig's brother who also shares the rank of best friend (we all lived together in college), calls me...asks me if I want to go to Florida this weekend...my mindset immediately changes and I know that David and I MUST make the trip...you see we talked about making a crazy road trip one night in college and never did it...leaving in the middle of the night to drive 280 miles for a hamburger...it was a decision all involved regretted not making and still do!
6:55pm - I begin getting ready to leave, call to explain that I can't work for a few days...very relaxed working environmental and boss...and begin to pack while I wait for confirmation from David that he can make the trip...he had to clear it with his job and more importantly his wife, who he would have to leave at home to care for their 2 month old newborn son and 5 year old.
7:56pm - Receive confirmation from David that he has gained the proper permission to go to Florida for the weekend (Thanks Vanessa!)
8:00pm - I get in my truck and begin my 4hr journey to David's house in Justin, Tx.
My journey had just begun...and you can begin to see the meaning behind the name of this blog and what life is like living inside a whirlwind...
Part 2 to follow soon...
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